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The Chinese have developed, over thousands of years, a working theory of acupuncture and oriental medicine. Chinese Medicine is it's own system of medicine, in that; it contains its own philosophy of how our bodies and organ systems work, and a full philosophy of how disease is caused and manifests in the body. Chinese medicine has it's own system of diagnostic testing and several modalities of treatment.
Acupuncture, Although the most well know, is only one of the modalities of this ancient medicine. It's a truly remarkable type of medicine that that has survived centuries and been not only been able to co-exist with modern conventional medicine but grow and thrive along side it and work in conjunction with it.
A little History
The ancient chinese discovered pathways, called meridians, along the body that relate to the organs and systems of the body through which qi travels.
What is Qi?
Roughly speaking, Qi is the energy in our bodies, that move our blood, keeps our organs working and our hearts beating. It is the primal force of life and meridians are the passage ways that allow us access to effect the strength, quality, and direction of how this Qi flows.
When the flow of qi is disturbed for any reason, there is disruption in health, resulting in pain, persistent unpleasant symptoms (of any kind), and/or illness and disease.
Qi can be deficient, in excess or blocked. By stimulating appropriate acupuncture points along the meridians, the energy is regulated, and health can be restored.
Acupuncture works to restore the flow of qi within the body and bring it back to a place of balance much in the same way you would put an antenna in to tune a station and make it work better. This in turn can alleviate pain, resolve symptoms, and eliminate disease.
What is the process of Acupuncture?
Acupuncturists use thin metal needles as a means of stimulation to points along specific energy pathways, or meridians, to help chi flow freely. Tui Na (Massage), heat, cupping, qua sha, and moxibustion can also used as an alternative to the needles.
Typically, acupuncture is a series of biweekly or weekly treatments. A typical session involves 5-15 needles and a treatment lasts from 20-50 minutes. Usually there is a clinical response within 10 treatments (usually less). The recommended number of treatments per individual will be discussed at the initial consultation.
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